Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday WOD -- 30-20-10

For time do 5 rounds of:

30 bodyweight squats
20 push-ups
10 deadlifts (185lbs)

Please use good form and full range of motion for all exercises!

Post time to comments.


UVU Rugby said...

Hey Jeff,
Come to practice on Thursday at 4:00 and Play Friday against St. Marys if you can.

hollywood said...

5 sets of 135 couldn't quite pull off the 195 Matt W

hollywood said...

oh ya my time was 20 minutes, sorry coach I will most likely not make it to practice Thursday. I have a meeting I must, must be to. I will do the gym though later tomorrow night. Matt W

UVU Rugby said...

Thanks for the heads-up

jeff said...

10 minutes 50 seconds
I think I can make it thursday and friday.