Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wednesday WOD -- The Bear Complex

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

95 pounds:

5 deadlifts

5 hanging cleans

5 thrusters

Example of thruster technique

Post number of rounds to comments.


jeff said...


famousamos said...

I did my own work-out. Incline Dumbell press 70 lbs, 4 sets, 5-7 reps. Tricep extension 45 lbs, 4 sets, 5-7 reps. Incline chest press 180 lbs, 4 sets, 5-7 reps. Seated tricep press 230 lbs, 4, 5-7. Squat 270 lbs 4, 5-7. Calf raises 130 lbs, 4, 5-7. Bridge (abs) with 20 lbs 4 sets of 50 seconds. 20 min light cardio.

UVU Rugby said...

Jeff, come back to us! How did you like the workout. Pretty fun on the ol' grip.

Unknown said...

I had to do the workout a little different but I got it done. I did burpees, pushups, and squats. I only went for ten minutes, because my fingers broke. I got around 6 or 7 rounds.

. said...
