Sunday, January 4, 2009

Monday WOD -- Cindy

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes (10 if this is your first time):

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Make sure you go through the complete range of motion for each exercise.

Post number of rounds to comments.


jeff said...

20 rounds 7 pushups

UVU Rugby said...

Good job to the 8:00 group of Jeff C., Shawn, Jake, and J.J. They are off to a good start.

Unknown said...

6 rounds 5 pushups

UVU Rugby said...

Shawn, you should note that you did mini-cindy (10 minutes)

Unknown said...

20 Rounds 10 pushups, 5 sit ups, 15 squats.

Jake said...

10 minutes- 7 rounds + 2 pullups

UVU Rugby said...

Good work Tali!