Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday WOD -- Helan

3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 1.5 pood kettlebell swings (or 55 lb dumbell swing)
12 pull ups

Kettlebell Swing Demo

If you use a dumbell for the swings, grip it hand over hand the long way.

Record time and loads to comments


kevin said...

hey coach, is there any workouts that you recommend me to do that wont wont be an issue with my ankle. i need lower body workouts but i cant squat yet. thanks coach

jeff said...

I have a few ideas from when i sprained my ankle. Do circuits on a stationary bike. Crank up the resistance and go all out for 20 or 30 seconds. Then rest. Do several sets. Wall sits are good too. If you can use a pool, swimming or running in the pool can also be good.

jeff said...

12:52 i used a 55 pound dumbbell and kipping pullups

UVU Rugby said...

yeah, what Jeff said...