Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WOD (Work Out of the Day) -- Mini Cindy

in 10 minutes as many rounds as you can of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

your score will be the number of rounds completed in 10 minutes plus your last partial numbers (i.e. 11 rounds, 5 pull ups and 7 pushups r.x.)

Pull Ups: Arms straight at bottom and chin over bar at top. Kipping encouraged.
Kipping Video 1
Kipping Video 2
Kipping Video 3

Push Ups: straight back throughout, arms straight at top, chest and thighs touch ground on bottom, back to straight arms.

Squats: Legs straight at beginning, weight on heels, bend until hip crease is below knees. Return to straight legs.

If you do the work out as prescribed, put r.x. after your score

Jumping pull ups for pull ups
Knee push ups for push ups

If you substitute, note your variation on your score (i.e. 4 rounds r.x. and 6 rounds 2 pullups with jumping pull ups.)

Post your name and score to comments.


chaseB said...

Mini, ha! 17+9 pushups RX

Anonymous said...

10 rounds. substituted 5 pull ups with 10 crunches.